Le Tussle

“It could all be so simple, bout you’d rather make it hard,” the classic opening line from Lauryn Hill’s “Ex-Factor” can really be inserted in any situation or as I call them, tussles.

Tussle: a vigorous struggle or scuffle, typically in order to obtain or achieve something.

Today, was a tussle. I was was overwhelmed in an underwhelming way. People were doing too much and not enough at the same time.

Managing is never an easy job, especially managing different personalities, but you make the best of it and try to have fun while doing so. The years I’ve been managing, you tend to wild things happen but today, I experienced an Oscar worthy winning performance from someone who for damn sure doesn’t put that much effort into her job. Of course, we are meeting with HR as her job is now on the line for the millionth time due to careless mistakes.

Now if you’re wondering how this person still has a job, ask HR…cause frankly my dear, I don’t understand. I have retrained this person so many damn times, so many different ways where I am constantly met with comments like “I don’t understand why insist on working harder and not smarter, you tell me all the time.” So let me get this straight, you acknowledge that I’ve given you the tools for success and you are basically telling me, you don’t give a fuck. Lawd, make it make sense!

Somedays, I think I am on an episode of Punk’d and I look around for camera’s because this has to be a fucking joke!

Today, I found out sis was previously on a smear campaign due to her lack of work ethic as I held her accountable for her errors, which is hilarious because again, why would I want you to fail? You don’t want to work, tell the truth.

The messed up part is, I inherited this trash as the manager prior didn’t care because she was leaving the company. I’ve noticed that a lot of people don’t have work ethic nor understands what that entails. Clocking in doesn’t mean that you’re showing up for your job, it performing the tasks that are requested of you and sometimes that means going above and beyond. It’s wild how when you ask your peers to perform those tasks they signed up for you get met with attitude. Um ok…

Have any of you guys experienced similar situations? The one nerve I have left for my future kid is about to be gone!

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